Harvard Admits Kyle Kashuv, Then Tosses Him BADLY

Kyle Kashuv has been punished by Harvard for his comments as a 16-years-old.

First Harvard admitted the now 18-years-old, then, after the University found some racist remarks by him on social media, revoked his admission.

This is very worrisome. Do our teenagers now have to fear social media being screened after university acceptances?

Kyle Kashuv was clearly under distress, following his expulsion.

He offered an apology and said he has grown since then. He desperately wanted to attend Harvard class 2023.

The University, which is a private institution, can do whatever it wants and showed no mercy.

Kashuv rexplains on Twitter, quote: “After I issued this apology, speculative articles were written, my peers used the opportunity to attack me, and my life once again reduced to a headline.”

Harvard was kind enough to allow him 72 hours to explain himself or else reserve its right to withdraw an offer of admission.

He responded with a full explanation, an apology, and all requested documents.

Harvard College then sent him its final decision, quote: “After careful consideration the Committee voted to rescind your admission to Harvard College.” The reason given: Lack of qualities of maturity and moral character.

Kashuv next requested a personal meeting or interview, which Harvard formally declined.

I know Harvard can be picky and unfair. But this rolling-the-carpet back up and denying this young man his written acceptance is a disgrace. This is punishment.

Harvard should have worked with him on this maturity and character, instead of causing this credibility crisis. Is Harvard a bastion of leftist ideology?

To the rest of you teenagers and parents out there: Be careful of what you write on the Internet. Your own peers and professors might use it against you later in life! And universities will show no sympathy.

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