Why Fake News Media Report More Trump Protesters Than There Are

Donald Trump’s state visit to Britain in 2019 attracted far less demonstrators than expected.

That would have been a factual headline. But the fake news media, which is decisively anti-Trump, couldn’t live with such “disappointing” news.

Instead, we are shown the same pictures of the core protesters over and over again, to give us the illusion that there were “250,000 protesters” on the streets. That’s what the German Der SPIEGEL really reported. I am not making this up.

Other fake news media were less ambitious, but nevertheless very dishonest. “Tens of thousands of protesters” was the consensus of the leftist media on both sides of the Atlantic. Fake.

Eye witnesses in London can’t even say it was one ten thousand. A more reliable estimate was “a few thousand” and not even that.

The media was so desperate to find demonstrators, they simply invented them. At some point, everyone on the streets were declared anti-Trump activists. The BBC turned to anti-Trump activism and put a baby blimp Trump balloon in its studio.

Now imagine: the desired protesters didn’t turn up. What an embarrassment.

In the end, there were perhaps six to seven thousand protesters in total, a far cry from the 250,000 reported. And a tiny number compared to Trump’s last visit to the UK in 2017. What a shitty day for the fake news media.


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