On Chinese Parenting

Ah, Chinese parenting! It’s quite impressive. They do without God and religion. They worship someone else. The majority of traditional Chinese just don’t care for their child as a ‘free agent’.

“The parents are sending their child away, because everywhere is better than home.”

Leaving the child behind, or with an uncle, or a friend, an a’i, some educational institution, claiming it back later, what’s the difference? The child owns its existence to its parents, so the child is the parents’ fucking property -forever! Asking the child for its opinion? Unthinkable. Doesn’t count. The parent, the teacher, the sages -all know what’s best for the child! If they don’t like the child, they leave it with the grandparents. No problem. The parents are sending their child away, because everywhere else is better than home. It’s a ‘inferior complex’ that was planted into their hearts a long time ago, and chains one generation of Chinese to the next. Abuse, physical and psychological, is rampant. Most Chinese parents struggle to raise their child into good, well-rounded, mentally healthy, independent human beings. Chinese just can’t do it. Wouldn’t know how to. Confucianism, Collectivism, Communism…

“There’s talk of ‘little emperors’. It’s an euphemism for organizing and controlling your dull and inflexible child.”

They want to possess the child, break the child, control the child, sell the child, take it back, give it away again, order it back any time they want. Also, what (as a parent) to teach the child, except sending it, or leaving it, somewhere else to be raised? Like a terrible cult, they don’t want their child to think for itself. Ever. So the parents, likewise, cannot, must not, make it look as if they had a choice: Their decision where to put you, or leave you behind, or send you to, is the Chinese parent’s only, and thus their most powerful, tool of parenting.

There’s talk of ‘little emperors’. It’s an euphemism for organizing and controlling your dull and inflexible child. Because of that complete ownership of the parents over another human being, their child, and of making all important life decisions for him, a grown-up Chinese will forever feel indebted and servile to his true Creator - his “Fumu”… his own Parents!

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