Five Guys Profits from ‘Milkshaking’ of Nigel Farage

Another milkshake attack on a pro-Brexit politician. And the radical left journalists are laughing it off.

The crap online newspaper Independent, quote: “Nigel Farage getting hit by a milkshake isn’t funny, it’s absolutely hilarious.”

And the dirty Boing Boing network, quote: “Delicious milkshake wasted on Nigel Farage.”

So, Nigel Farage, the pro-Bexit politician and leader of the Brexit party, was doused with a milkshake in Newcastle.

A 32-year-old man was arrested for assault. The man, now hero of the remainer camp, is Paul Crowther. He threw a banana-and-salted caramel shake at Farage to protest ‘racism’.

What’s that milkshake again? It is from Burger king or McDonald? It matters, because police had told McDonald not to sell milkshake during Farage’s tour, while Burger King had cheerfully promoted its milkshakes. No, wait, it was a Five Guys milkshake!

Good promotion for Five Guys. I didn’t even know it existed.

Nigel Farage tweeted that the remainers have become radicalized by the press. Milk stands for whiteness, snowflake, soyboy, and milk boy.

Welcome to milkshake activism.

What is your opinion on throwing milkshakes at politicians in protest? Don’t be shy and leave a comment!


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