Youtube Perverts Film Girls in Asia

While most clubs and bars and night-time amusements forbid filming, the Western pick-up artists do it anyway. What’s the worst that could happen to them? Denying them visa re-entry? Fantastic free publicity! Even the BBC will report about it! Just one single night of going out can now spell social ruin to any women really, if she is camera-stalked by such perverts. Or the hustlers wait in front of the establishment, picking up the (often drunk) women on their way home.

And, while in the past most womanizer kept their adventures largely to themselves (and so did wise women, too), in our time and internet age the predators boast with their trophy pics and video memories on Youtube, the world’s leading video portal. Such a portal pays the up-loader of the video according to viewtime and clicks (which correlates with ad revenue). Put it another way, there’s big money and celebrity in exploiting Asian women, financed by American corporations dressed as “global public services.”

For example, this video (see below) by a certain David Bond went viral in Hong Kong: ‘Guy Steals Girl from Chinese Guy‘. The clip shows an Asian guy holding hands with a Chinese girl he just picked up in a bar. (Maybe the whole thing is staged, but it looks real.) So this David Bond and his (Scandinavian?) bro and wingman, Alex, go and steal the girl, who is clearly intoxicated. The Chinese guy is clearly desperate to get her back; alas, he is outnumbered and visibly overwhelmed by the the white ego and physical prowess.


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