Fake Guardian: “Trump terminated, cannot win re-election”

We write the gilded age of journalism where every poop in the media can write a hypothesis on how big cheese will turn back into milk.

“America has terminated Trump,” writes Robert Reich in the British Guardian. “No one who screws the people so blatantly can win re-election.”

Such cold-blooded, callous hit piece in a left-wing fake news media is emblematic of a profession that has sold out its DNA to monkeys.

What is next, Guardian? No, Trump is not “terminated.” And what if he wins the “re-election”?! What are the consequences for the Guardian’s fake news reporting? Oh no! No consequences!? Ever?! Well, then into the toilet with your paper.

An elected, democratically elected president sure can win re-elections, no problem. No, he didn’t “screw the people”, any more than Clinton or Obama did anyway.

What’s that? Robert Reich once served in the administration of Bill Clinton and Barack Obama?! Ah, and he supported Hillary Clinton for presidency?! Of course he would write such a despicable propaganda piece for a foreign country’s press house.

Did the Guardian disclose Mr. Reich’s important relationships in the article? No of course it did not. Piss pot journalism.